Friday, July 8, 2011

Your Client is NOT at Home -- Now What?

One of the top reasons that our agents are not meeting their weekly goals is that they can't find anyone at home! So we at Senior Marketing Specialists have come up with 5 solutions to this problem. We hope that this gives you some new, helpful ideas on what to do if your clients are not at home!

  1. Know your clients' neighbors! Use this website to search for your client's neighbors before you drive to your client's home. This way, if one of your clients is not at home, you will be prepared to knock on their neighbor's door instead. Now the time and gas money you spent to call on your client won't be wasted!

  2. Keep old leads handy. If your clients aren't at home, then pull out old leads and call on them. They responded to the lead for some reason, maybe now the timing is right and they need your services?

  3. Call your client's home ahead of time and use *67 to block your number. If they answer, then you know someone is actually at home.

  4. Don't give up too easily. Knock on all the doors of the home -- not just the front door. Maybe they're out back grilling or working on the yard?

  5. Send out thank you notes to potential clients for completing and returning your lead card. Then stop by in a couple of days and reference that lead and thank you note.

What tricks have you learned over the years? Share them here!

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